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Limpiar’s Sexual Harassment Policy


We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone using the Limpiar platform and take allegations of sexual harassment seriously. Our sexual harassment policy applies to all users on the platform including Limpiadors, customers, and businesses.

Limpiar, and in many instances the law, prohibits anyone using the platform from committing sexual harassment. If you experience any form of sexual harassment from a customer, another Limpiador, or a third party (including but not limited to Limpiar employees and employees of business partners) while cleaning or doing any work directly related to cleaning, you can follow the procedures outlined below to submit a complaint. These procedures are also available to customers or businesses experiencing sexual harassment from a Limpiador while using the platform.

What constitutes sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment includes unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or visual, verbal, or physical misconduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment also includes various forms of gender-based harassment, including the harassment of a person of the same sex.

Here is a partial list of behaviors that may constitute sexual harassment: 

  • Unwanted flirting and sexual advances
  • Retaliation or threat of retaliation after a negative response to sexual advances 
  • Visual misconduct like leering, making sexual gestures or displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, posters, or messages 
  • Verbal misconduct like making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, or sexually explicit jokes; comments about an individual’s body or dress; sexually degrading words; graphic comments; and suggestive or obscene requests, messages, or invitations
  • Physical misconduct such as touching, assault, impeding or blocking movements. 

These behaviors may constitute sexual harassment even if they were not motivated by sexual desire.

Protection against retaliation

We have your back. Limpiar prohibits retaliation for making a good-faith complaint of harassment or participating in any investigation related to a complaint of harassment. Retaliation of any kind may result in account deactivation.  

Process for reporting sexual harassment complaints

Anyone who believes they have been sexually harassed, subjected to retaliation in violation of this policy, or are aware of such behavior against others, should immediately submit a complaint by:

For Limpiadors:

  1. Contact support@blog.limpiar.online with your full name and request for a sexual harassment support specialist. 

For Customers:

  1. Go to our website
  2. Select “Customer Chat” and click “Chat”
  3. Fill out the contact information fields and this will connect you to a member of our Support Team. Please include as much information as you feel comfortable sharing.
  4. The Support representative will then escalate your issue to our Trust and Safety Team, who will reach out after we receive your report.

What to expect when reporting sexual harassment complaints

  • Confidentiality: We will maintain confidentiality surrounding the investigation to the extent possible, and to the extent permitted under applicable law.
  • Impartial Investigation: We will conduct a fair, timely, thorough, and impartial investigation that provides all parties with appropriate due process and reaches reasonable conclusions based on the information collected.
  • Cooperation: We expect all Limpiadors, customers, and business, as well as all Limpiar employees to the extent relevant, to fully cooperate with any investigation conducted by Limpiar into a complaint of prohibited sexual harassment or retaliation. Failure to cooperate by a Limpiador, customer, or business may result in account suspension or deactivation, and failure to cooperate by an employee may result in termination of employment.  
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